I am a Ph.D. student in Computer Science at University of California, San Diego, advised by Prof. Russell Impagliazzo. I work on Theoretical Computer Science. My research is mainly focused on fine-grained complexity.
I obtained B.E. in Software Engineering at Fudan University, Shanghai, China.
I am interested in general topics about algorithm design and analysis, as well as computational complexity. My research is also related to database theory and finite model theory.
In the past I have experience in topics about graph algorithms, parameterized complexity theory and algorithmic game theory.
- On the Fine-grained Complexity of Least Weight Subsequence in Graphs
Jiawei Gao (In submission) - The Fine-Grained Complexity of Strengthenings of First-Order Logic
Jiawei Gao, Russell Impagliazzo (In submission) - Completeness and improved algorithms for first-order properties on sparse structures
Jiawei Gao, Russell Impagliazzo, Antonina Kolokolova, Ryan Williams (SODA 2017) - Nondeterministic extensions of the Strong Exponential Time Hypothesis and consequences for non-reducibility
Marco L. Carmosino, Jiawei Gao, Russell Impagliazzo, Ivan Mikhailin, Ramamohan Paturi, Stefan Schneider (ITCS 2016) - Triangle-Partitioning Edges of Planar Graphs, Toroidal Graphs and k-Planar Graphs
Jiawei Gao, Ton Kloks, Sheung-Hung Poon (WALCOM 2013)
Teaching Assistantships
At UC San Diego:
- CSE21 - Discrete Mathematics for Computer Science (Undergraduate level)
- CSE200 - Computability and Complexity (Graduate level)
- CSE202 - Algorithm Design and Analysis (Graduate level)
At Fudan University:
- Introduction to Computer Systems II (Undergraduate level)